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Strengthening our Roots: Protecting Green Spaces through Community Control in Rochester, NY: A project to advance environmental justice in the Beechwood neighborhood and establish equitable city land sale policy through collaboration from government, nonprofits, and our local community foundation. (Partners for Places, 2025). 
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Decarbonizing Downtown Business Deliveries Study in San Francisco, CA: A project to convene a community led working group of local businesses in Equity Priority Communities within San Francisco’s proposed downtown congestion pricing zone to consider zero emission delivery strategies that can address concerns about congestion pricing on local businesses. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2025). 
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Centennial Community Resilience Hub Energy Assessment in Portland, OR: A project to determine the scope and cost of energy efficiency upgrades in 5 different locations within the Centennial neighborhood, a low-income ethnically diverse neighborhood with poor infrastructure and at substantial risk during climate emergencies. (Resilience Hub Fund, 2025). 
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Solar Powered Communities Project in Sydney, Australia: A project to support the installation of solar energy systems in low- and moderate- income (LMI) communities in the City of Sydney and promote the larger policy goals around standardizing and sharing solar project best practices. (American Express Fund, 2025). 
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Solar Powered Communities Project in Salt Lake City, UT: A project to increase adoption of solar PV by businesses in low and moderate income (LMI) neighborhoods of Salt Lake City, Utah through education, streamlining of solar system financing and installation, and leveraging additional funding. (American Express Fund, 2025). 
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Phoenix Solar Energy Assistance Program in Phoenix, AZ: A project to launch the Phoenix Solar Energy Assistance Program (PSEAP) to fully fund residential rooftop solar installations for ten Phoenix families who were income-qualified in an effort to promote increased equitable adoption of solar and save families money each month from their electric bills. (American Express Fund, 2025). 
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Mobilizing youth to promote hurricane preparedness throughout vulnerable community in Savannah, GA: A project to give funding to local community-based organization, Savannah Youth City to provide a safe space for undeserved youth to be hands on in climate work and to supply low-income vulnerable neighborhood residents with tools and education to be used in the case of a natural disaster in close collaboration with Savannah Police Department and the American Red Cross. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2025). 
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Building Climate Knowledge in Priority Communities in Sydney, Australia: A project to deliver a community codesigned program to equip priority communities with the knowledge, tools and planning capacity to prepare for the impacts of climate change and build community resilience to shocks and stresses. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2025). 
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Holistic Building Electrification as an Intragovernmental Resilience Tool in Oakland, CA: A project to solidify building electrification (BE) as a unifying resilience concept with relevance across traditional local government work units, to maximize public funding and accelerate an equitable decarbonization transition. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Climate Adaptation Justice in Stockholm, Sweden: A project to identify and map justice-related aspects in adaptation to weather- and climate-related risks in the Stockholm City metropolitan area and to involve relevant stakeholders in a co-creation process with an eye to long-term collaboration on these issues. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Community Driven Climate Policy in King County, WA: A project to integrate frontline community participation in the 2025 update to the county’s Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP). (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Community Voice Matters – Evolving from Stipends to Partner MOUs in Berkeley, CA: A project to launch a new project to update Berkeley’s General Plan Safety Element, develop a new General Plan Environmental Justice (EJ) Element, and create an Equitable Climate and Resilience Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy and Dashboard. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Facilitating community collaboration to build safe, sustainable urban food production in Portland, ME: A project to enhance community resilience by hosting three workshops where participants will work collaboratively to build 70 raised garden beds provided to low income and immigrant gardeners through the City’s Community Garden Program. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Building an Equitable EV Future in Shoreline, WA: A project to center and engage the City of Shoreline’s frontline communities in climate action conversations around electric vehicles (EVs) to foster equitable adoption of and minimize displacement from new EV charging infrastructure. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice and Flood Mitigation in Hackensack, NJ: A project to enhance existing Combined Sewer separation plans with community designed green infrastructure to mitigate storm water flooding in low income neighborhoods addressing Environmental Justice issues. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Energy Efficiency Workforce Training: Professionalizing roles and building capacity in Memphis-Shelby, TN: A project to support existing staff to deepen engaged research opportunities around program evaluation and secure energy audit equipment to track impact longer term. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Indy’s Thriving Neighbors Series in Indianapolis, IN: A project to re-establish community engagement on sustainability and resiliency in close collaboration with Indy Parks by convening a series of low-barrier engagement opportunities in J40 neighborhoods where partner organizations build capacity of community members with meaningful connections, sustainability education, and climate action tools, as well as identify neighbors interested in participating in more long-term or formal engagement or co-ownership capacities. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Climate Related Inequities Locally in Copenhagen, Denmark: A project to produce an operational tool of local climate related inequities in Copenhagen that will inform the development of Copenhagen's Climate Plan for 2035. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Equitable, Community-Driven Climate Justice Planning in Harris County in Harris County, TX: A climate justice planning project aimed to co-create local, implementable solutions with frontline residents who have been most impacted by climate hazards and disasters. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Program development and event supplies for monthly community climate learning sessions in Duluth, MN: A project to increase Duluth residents’ awareness of and capacity for implementing clean energy and climate actions through a monthly series of learning events and outreach materials. With hands-on sessions, residents will better familiarize themselves with climate actions, policy, technology and funding mechanisms. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Near West Side Greenway: Co-designing with the Community in South Bend, IN: A project to create a greenway, as a linear park, in a neighborhood on the Near West Side of South Bend that lacks a park and has asked for one for several years. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Cross-Community Climate Collaboration (C4) in Cook County, IL: A project to support building additional partners in C4, implement structures for communication and collaboration within and across communities, and implement specific equitable climate projects. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Community Outreach & Engagement to Support Implementation of the Regional Decarbonization Framework in San Diego, CA: A project to develop an equitable, inclusive community engagement process that supports the engagement of impacted refugee, asylee and immigrant communities in the implementation of the County of San Diego’s Regional Decarbonization Framework. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Lihu'e Community Placemaking, Forestry & Gardens Initiative in Kauai, HI: A project to support the installation of native street trees and community gardens in Lihu'e and create a plan/partnership framework for future green infrastructure. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Bridging West End to the River: A Community Riverfront Vision in Pittsburgh, PA: A project to build a foundation for community leadership as significant riverfront planning efforts get underway in Pittsburgh’s West End. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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LNPK 156- Enhancing Resilience Through Food Access and Social Connectedness in Duluth, MN: A project to build climate resilience and address health disparities in a low-income neighborhood through creative placemaking and collaborative partnership development. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Mobile Home Decarbonization in San Luis Obispo, CA: A research project to evaluate the cost effectiveness of electrification in mobile homes and determine whether a climate and public health solution can co-solve for the acute energy burdens faced by mobile home residents. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Cultivating a Regenerative Food Culture in Waco, TX: A project to provide education and infrastructure for composting and gardening with goals for food waste recovery, food production, and methane reduction at the landfill. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Advancing Equitable, Shared Governance for Monterey Bay Regional Climate Investment: A project to redefine local government and environmental justice groups’ roles and relationships in the Monterey Bay (California) Regional Climate Project Working Group (RCPWG) by developing meaningful pathways for the emerging Monterey Bay Area Climate Justice Collaborative (MBACJC) in project development and decision-making around funding priority climate work in the region, focusing on a bottom up approach to defining those roles. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Greater Cincinnati Higher Education Sustainability Cohort: A project to create a regional cohort of higher ed institutions to network, support, and share best practices on current and future sustainability initiatives and opportunities. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Community and climate resilience building through MHM-SOUP: A project that innovated by addressing climate change challenges in the Montreal borough of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve (MHM) through a supportive and facilitating monthly event that aims at strengthening social fabric, implementing local initiatives and building community and climate resilience. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Growing Secondary Markets to Inform Construction Materials Policy : A project to develop infrastructure to feed data-driven deconstruction and material reuse policies that will result in long-term solutions for the commercial construction sector. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2024). 
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Collaborative Design of Federal Funding Proposal in Santa Clara County: A project to collaboratively develop a federal funding proposal in partnership with community-based organizations, local jurisdictions, and the County of Santa Clara to drive equitable approaches for environmental justice and climate resilience. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 

Community-Centered Climate Training Cohort and Government Partnership: A project that will build a relationship for County government agencies to collaborate on wildfire/extreme heat training, communication, and preparedness needs with community-based partners, and to co-create and co-design replicable, relevant, and modifiable training and educational materials to support the health, safety, and resilience of priority and frontline communities during and beyond these events.(Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Collective Impact and Climate Art Community Innovation: A project that brings together several city-wide and community-based climate and social well being organizations, as well as youth and local artists from equity deserving communities to collectively design, coordinate and implement a climate art project(s) in North Scarborough. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Power-sharing in the Implementation of Vancouver’s Climate Justice Charter (CJC) in Vancouver, CAN: A project that uses processes to draw from the fields of social innovation and systemic design as alternatives to the standard policy-making, program delivery, and public engagement processes that we use at the City. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Waco Green Champions Community Engagement Program: A project that engages community members in educational survey events to inform the development of the Sustainable Action Roadmap and federal grant applications as well as increase community buy-in of city-based sustainable initiatives. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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