
Table of Contents

Innovation Lab - Concept Developing and Prototyping: Learning resources to understand the topic.

Innovation Lab - Refinement: Tools and guides to inform developing programs.

Adoption Accelerator - Standards Emerging and Scaling: Implementation examples to show how it is being done.

Innovation Lab - Concept Developing and Prototyping:

Learning resources to understand the topic.

Decarbonizing Downtown Business Deliveries Study in San Francisco, CA: A project to convene a community led working group of local businesses in Equity Priority Communities within San Francisco’s proposed downtown congestion pricing zone to consider zero emission delivery strategies that can address concerns about congestion pricing on local businesses. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2025). 
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Enhancing Transportation Equity: A Bike Repair Workshop Open to Everybody Bikes in Burlington, VT: A project to create a new Everybody Bikes Open Shop to provide access to tools, knowledge, and expertise from trained mechanics enabling OSH to empower riders with the skill set to maintain and fix their own bikes.(Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Gig Work, Road User Fees, and Equity: Impacts on Sustainable Mode Use and Industry Participation: This project conducted research on the movements and motivations of gig economy workers to inform the feasibility and future development and design of a transport pricing strategy for Vancouver’s city centre.  (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2022)
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Zero-Emissions Last-Mile Deliveries: This project developed a background paper and strategy evaluation for sustainable last-mile delivery in the City of Denver, CO. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2022)
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CNCA Mobility Hubs: This project supported two CNCA cities in developing plans to deploy Mobility Hubs: one in the Midwest (Minneapolis) and one in Europe (Stockholm). (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2021) 
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Scandinavian Green Public Procurement Alliance: This project established a Scandinavian Green Public Procurement Alliance (SGPPA) to address the direct tendering of transport services in Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) fleet. Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo share lessons and draft templates from this developing process. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2019)
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Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in the Pacific Northwest: This project was designed so that the Cities of Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC could better understand the challenges and opportunities with the deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in relation to their climate goals. The cities shared their research, approaches, and knowledge about AVs, and learned about AV policy efforts around North America. An AVs in the Pacific Northwest Baseline Report was developed and two workshops were held. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018)

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 (New Mobility in the Right of Way Report)

A Blueprint for Development Approval of Hydrogen Re-fueling Stations: A blueprint describing (1) the key activities involved in the process of developing hydrogen refueling stations, (2) the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved, and (3) a detailed stage-gate process describing all the key activities to be undertaken at each stage of the licensing and permitting process, including detailed activity checklists, technical appendices, and global case studies. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016)
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Deep Carbon Reductions in the Transport Sector - Impacts on Affordability and Displacement: A case study on Portland OR and the impact of deep carbon reductions in transportation on displacement and gentrification, including household research on the neighborhood, a literature review on transit-oriented development and gentrification, a rental properties typology report, a memo on population change, and an emissions summary. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Upscaling Green Vehicles: A report  on the potential for promoting “green vehicles” in Northern Europe, highlighting the main observations, exchanges and recommendations identified during a workshop in Copenhagen, including an opportunity for collaboration between cities, car industry companies, energy companies, interest groups, and mobility operators. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Smart Parking Strategies: A multi-city effort to tackle education, financial and legal barriers to smart parking strategies. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2014).
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The Northeast Regional Electric Vehicle Partnership: A strategy to use private garages to locate EV infrastructure and reduce permitting times. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2010). 
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Innovation Lab - Refinement: Tools and guides to inform developing programs.

Enabling Tenant Access to EV Charging: A guidebook to provide cities with stakeholder-tested and context-grounded strategies that local governments can use to overcome common challenges and enable access to EV charging for renters in existing buildings within their cities. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2020)
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Pathways to EV: Preparing for the Proliferation of Electric Vehicles in the Midwest: This project enabled USDN members and partners to catalog existing Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure tools and policies, and to create a regional-level EV infrastructure toolkit that presents a pathway for city and utility sectors to prepare for EV deployment in their communities. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2018)
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Shared-Use Mobility Toolkit Update: A second round of funding enabled Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC) to promote the Shared-Use Mobility Toolkit through several strategic initiatives: Interactive Training Webinars, Technical Assistance, and Toolkit Technology Improvements. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2017).
» View recent webinars and policy analysis 
» Visit Policy Database
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Shared-Use Mobility Toolkit: The tools designed to help cities understand the impact of emerging transportation solutions, identify appropriate policy actions and set goals to maximize the benefits of shared mobility. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2016). 
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» View Shared Mobility Benefits Calculator
» Visit Policy Database

Public-Private Parking Models: A 2-day work session that builds on the 2013 Sustainable Parking Convening, focusing on better land use through the implementation of public-private parking models. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2015). 
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Adoption Accelerator - Standards Emerging and Scaling: Implementation examples to show how it is being done.

Equity in Burlington’s Transportation Transformation: A project to build equity into the process of transforming Burlington’s transportation system to meet the City’s net zero emissions by 2030 goals and by extension, into the system itself. (Partners for Places, 2021)
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Chicago's Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) - Process, Plan and Engagement Strategy: A project to create and implement an innovative policy process, plan and engagement strategy for Chicago’s transit-oriented development ordinance, with an emphasis on equity, affordability, and connectivity between neighborhoods. (Partners for Places, 2021)
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Chicago Green Living Program in Chicago, IL: A project to create a residential package of all of the beneficial energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste & recycling, transportation, and other “green” programs that the City offers and to connect low and moderate income residents to this package of offerings (Partners for Places, 2018).
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Capitalizing Carbon to Accelerate EV Charging Investments: A project that developed an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Methodology which has been accredited and published by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). This methodology provides monitoring parameters to quantify emission reductions of EV charging infrastructure. More information on continuing work is here with a presentation here. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018).
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Committing to Inclusive Sustainability Action Hartford: A project to create a sustainability director position for the city and a climate action plan that comprehensively addresses energy, land use, transportation, waste and water usage. The plan will look at the root cause of climate change, including ways to improve air quality and reduce flooding, to improve the health and well-being of all residents. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Connecting Shaded Spaces for Public Health in South Florida - Phase II: A project to provide critical shade along public transit routes in two tree-deprived neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County, FL so that the low-income residents can comfortably walk to – and wait for – the bus. This effort expands the successful Partners for Places-funded SHADE project and makes riding the bus a more viable option, by creating a humane, comfortable and safe waiting experience for the bus rider. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Complete Street Planning in Northampton MA: A project that will develop a Complete Streets plan for Northampton, with an emphasis on equity and prioritization of projects based on socioeconomic status of residents and connectivity. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Residential Climate Change Adaptation in Cleveland OH: A project to mitigate and adapt to climate change by engaging residents in improving tree canopy, transportation mode shift, and entrepreneurship, delivering tangible outcomes for neighborhood resilience and equity. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Active Transportation for Better Public Health in Tacoma WA: An active transportation program to provide equitable access to sustainable transportation and improve public health. (Partners for Places, 2014). 
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Community Engagement for Transit-Oriented Development in San Diego: A community engagement effort during the planning phase for light rail stations along the Mid-Coast light rail line extension. (Partners for Places, 2014). 
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Clean Air Social Marketing Campaign in Salt Lake City UTClean Air Neighborhoods, a neighborhood-based social marketing campaign to help individuals negotiate barriers to alternative transportation. (Partners for Places, 2013).
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Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Education in Juneau AK: A project to increase electric vehicle use through infrastructure development and education, to increase sustainability and local hydroelectricity use, and decrease emissions and high vehicle use cost. (Partners for Places, 2013).
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The Transit Corridors Strategy and Work Plan for Los Angeles: A project to support equitable transit-oriented planning in Los Angeles by creating a new Transit Corridor Cabinet position in the Mayor’s office. (Partners for Places, 2013).
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Milwaukee Bike Share Demonstration Project: A partnership program to implement the Milwaukee BikeShare Demonstration Project. (Partners for Places, 2012). 
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