
Table of Contents 

Innovation Lab - Concept Developing and Prototyping: Learning resources to understand the topic.

 Innovation Lab - Refinement: Tools and guides to inform developing programs.

Adoption Accelerator - Standards Emerging and Scaling: Implementation examples to show how it is being done.

Innovation Lab - Concept Developing and Prototyping:

Learning resources to understand the topic.

Holistic Building Electrification as an Intragovernmental Resilience Tool in Oakland, CA: A project to solidify building electrification (BE) as a unifying resilience concept with relevance across traditional local government work units, to maximize public funding and accelerate an equitable decarbonization transition. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Building an Equitable EV Future in Shoreline, WA: A project to center and engage the City of Shoreline’s frontline communities in climate action conversations around electric vehicles (EVs) to foster equitable adoption of and minimize displacement from new EV charging infrastructure. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Mobile Home Decarbonization in San Luis Obispo, CA: A research project to evaluate the cost effectiveness of electrification in mobile homes and determine whether a climate and public health solution can co-solve for the acute energy burdens faced by mobile home residents. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Resilient and Efficient Building Code (RECI) Proposal Development in Tucson, AZ: This project convened a coalition of eight Arizona (AZ) cities to develop a proposal for a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant program. (USDN Emergent Learning Fund, 2022). 
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Urban Bioenergy-Biochar Development Strategy and Playbook in Boulder, CO:  A project to synthesize a bioenergy-biochar implementation action strategy in four CNCA cities focusing on two opportunity areas—urban forestry & biosolids-to-biochar—and create both a “playbook” for development of similar projects in North American and European cities (urban forest carbon management) and a white paper guiding prefeasibility assessment (biosolids-to-biochar). (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2021). 
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Sydney Better Buildings Cup Pilot Program: This project created a framework to increase whole building engagement in achieving net zero emissions using a gamified approach that catalyzed building owners to leverage existing programs, resources and industry stakeholders to deliver coordinated and meaningful environmental engagement with their tenants and occupants. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2021)
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Technical Assistance for the Zero Emissions Building Sector: Findings from the City of San Francisco's multi sector Zero Emission Building Taskforce. Taskforce findings are designed to guide the City's first Roadmap to Zero Emission Buildings. (CNCA Game Changer Pilot, 2020)
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The Thermal Break Shear Wall: Simultaneous energy efficiency and seismic resiliency improvements in standard housing stock: This project implemented dual energy efficiency and seismic resiliency improvements in standard housing stock project, testing a method to improve the energy efficiency and seismic resiliency in older housing stock by trying the use of an emerging approach to wall assemblies. A report detailing the project from start to finish is posted here. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018).
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Methane Math - How Cities Can Rethink Emissions from Natural Gas: This project enabled USDN core members, associate members, and partners to synthesize available information on methane leaks in natural gas distribution lines into a document to guide the development of policy and program options for municipalities. The final report examines levels of methane leakage in natural gas systems and identifies (1) remediation mechanisms and (2) better methods for accounting for the emissions impacts. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2017)
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Energy Systems Transformation Framework: A framework to develop a shared vocabulary, understanding and vision for how municipalities can develop a community-wide energy planning and management system that supports a transformation of their energy systems from a fossil fuel base to 100% renewable energy. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2016). 
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New Financial and Delivery Models for Retrofitting Buildings:  A detailed assessment of the extent to which the Energiesprong retrofitting model is transferable to London, through the development of a robust business case and barriers report, including practical steps needed to deliver the model in London and an introduction to the financial model. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Upscaling Green Vehicles: A report  on the potential for promoting “green vehicles” in Northern Europe, highlighting the main observations, exchanges and recommendations identified during a workshop in Copenhagen, including an opportunity for collaboration between cities, car industry companies, energy companies, interest groups, and mobility operators. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Green Rental Housing App (became Rent Rocket): Feasibility analysis of an online tool to promote sustainable rental housing. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2014). 
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Community Based Social Marketing Campaign - Cold Water Wash: A multi-city campaign to foster sustainable behavior in residents through a cold water wash program. (USDN Special Project, 2013). 
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Community Based Social Marketing Campaign - Employee Computer Shutdown: A multi-city campaign to use community based social marketing to foster sustainable behavior through an employee computer shut down program. (USDN Special Project, 2013)
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Building Energy Benchmarking 1.0: Lessons from early adopters of commercial building energy disclosure and benchmarking policies. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2012). 
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Understanding the Barriers to Commercial PACE: Report based on a survey of mortgage lenders identifying barriers to scaling up Commercial PACE programs and ways to address these barriers. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2012). 
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Innovation Lab - Refinement: Tools and guides to inform developing programs.

Solar Energy for Cleveland’s LMI Residents in Cleveland, OH:A project to pilot solar panel installations for low-to-moderate income (LMI) households, which will support a long-term program aimed at reducing barriers to adoption of solar energy. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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Building Performance Standards: A New Framework for Equitable Policies to Address Existing Buildings: A framework to help cities set targets for existing buildings to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Successful BPS policies should include assistance for covered buildings and historically underserved populations, including diverse workforce development and job creation mechanisms. The framework captures the latest strategies and tools cities are employing to do this. The framework was developed in partnership with a set of cities and counties that participating the the USDN/IMT Building Performance Standards workshop and USDN/American Cities Climate Challenge Building Performance Standards cohort. (American Cities Climate Challenge, 2021)
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Yokohama City Renewable Energy Promotion Project: This project created a platform for Yokohama residents and businesses to promote the introduction of renewable energy without the help of city subsidies. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2021)
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City Playbooks for the Equitable Electrification of Multifamily Buildings:These playbooks provide details on electrification upgrades and technologies for multifamily buildings, resources for building decision makers, and recommendations for policymakers to inform programs and policies that advance building electrification equitably in multifamily buildings.(USDN Innovation Fund, 2020)
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Enabling Tenant Access to EV Charging: A guidebook to provide cities with stakeholder-tested and context-grounded strategies that local governments can use to overcome common challenges and enable access to EV charging for renters in existing buildings within their cities. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2020)
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PJM Cities Coalition Project: This project established a coalition of cities to better understand the levers of influence within the regional electric power transmission organization, PJM, and develop a sustainable and replicable process to ensure continuing work to influence electric power policies. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2020)
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Community Choice Aggregation 3.0 Project: This project explored the next generation of Community Choice Aggregation to maximize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions in the participating communities, contribute to community resiliency, equity, localization, additionality, sustainability, and economic development. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2020) 
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Performance Standards for Existing Buildings: This tool provides guidance on implementing performance standards for greenhouse gas reduction in existing buildings. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2019)  
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Building Electrification Primer for Cities and Utilities: This project developed a primer tool to support the market transformation of building electrification initiatives across North America and Europe that advance decarbonization goals. (CNCA & USDN Innovation Funds, 2019)
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Leveraging Benchmarking to Drive Savings: This project developed a framework to facilitate two-way sharing of energy benchmarking ordinances data between city government and local utilities to drive energy savings. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2019)
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Regional Fugitive Methane Accounting: This project developed a methane emissions estimator tool that allows cities to identify natural gas leakage estimates that are specific to their region and utility. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2019)
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Vancouver Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZEBx): This project co-funded the development of three case studies documenting GHG reduction successes and the lessons learned in improving the cost-effectiveness of implementing these projects. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2019) 
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Thermal Decarbonization Initiative for Cities – Phase 2: This project implemented phase 2 of the Thermal Decarbonization Initiative for Cities. The project team designed and tested pilot programs to scale up demand for heat pumps and strengthen local supply chains - specifically in the small residential sector. An air source heat pump tool was created to provide a high-level estimate of GHG savings for installing air source heat pumps in 4 U.S. cities: Boulder, Burlington, New York City and Washington, D.C. (CNCA Innovation Fund 2019)
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Total System Performance Ratio Project: This project defined a minimum performance standard for HVAC systems in a single metric, with: (1) baseline systems for various building types; (2) calculation software; and (3) code language for incorporation at the city and state level. This standard has been proposed for incorporation into the Washington state energy code. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018)
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Pathways to EV: Preparing for the Proliferation of Electric Vehicles in the Midwest: This project enabled USDN members and partners to catalog existing Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure tools and policies, and to create a regional-level EV infrastructure toolkit that presents a pathway for city and utility sectors to prepare for EV deployment in their communities. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2018)
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Ensuring Equity in Energy Transformation and Innovation: This project developed actionable resources for local governments and partners to use in advancing social equity in clean energy program design and implementation in their communities. Products included a guidebook for equitable clean energy program design, an inventory of best practice programs and four in-depth case studies. This work outlines a path forward for municipalities and their partners to create programs that prioritize making clean energy technologies accessible and beneficial to low- and moderate-income households, communities of color, and indigenous communities. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2018)
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The London Energiesprong Trial Project: The Energy Leap project is seeking to adapt the Energiesprong model for the UK, testing innovative ways to deliver net zero energy refurbishments for up to ten demonstrator properties, and helping overcome some of the barriers to delivering zero carbon retrofit at scale. This report summarizes progress and shares the lessons learned to date from London’s effort to understand whether the Energiesprong model can be successfully transferred to London. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018)
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USDN/IMT Benchmarking and Energy Data Collective Action Group Report: Three reports draw from works published by jurisdictions that are currently implementing benchmarking ordinances, academic publications, and interviews and discussions with members of the (USDN) Benchmarking and Energy Data Collective Action Group. There are three reports in total: (1) Sharing Data to Motivate Action; (2) Managing Benchmarking Data Quality; and (3) Analyzing Benchmarking Data. (USDN Collective Action Group, 2018).
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Renewable Heating & Cooling: Thermal Decarbonization of Residential Buildings: This guide provides options and actionable steps for other cities interested in completing similar analyses to guide the development of approaches to transitioning away from fossil fuel-based heating. In particular, this guide discusses key steps and best practices to: (1) Establish goals and parameters for a thermal decarbonization initiative within the local context; (2) Identify and collect data from publicly-available data sources; (3) Conduct a market analysis of the local building stock; and (4) Leverage market analysis to engage key stakeholders and develop policies and programs for scaling the local RH&C market. (CNCA and USDN Innovation Funds, 2018).
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REALIZE - Bringing the Clean Industrial Revolution to Existing Residential Buildings: This project examined market barriers to a business model that brings the “Energiesprong” program from the Netherlands to San Francisco. Varying market conditions in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area will determine REALIZE’s approach to successfully facilitate the development of a mass scale energy retrofit market. Categorizing properties by market conditions will allow REALIZE to target Low Income Housing Tax Credit affordable properties that present minimal barriers to entry, while continuing to improve market conditions for future market segments. Products contain work completed to gain insight into market conditions, barriers, and solutions in an effort to advance REALIZE technical solutions at a rapid rate through a robust to-go-market strategy. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2017).
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Accelerating the Transition to 4th Generation District Heating Systems: This project examines two fundamental aspects of the transition to 4th Generation District Heating Networks designed to enable a more cost effective transition away from fossil fuels to a future heat supply that is from local renewable, environmental and waste heat sources. Products include: 1) Connecting Existing Buildings to DHNs Summary Report; and 2) Connecting Existing Buildings to DHNs technical report. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016.)
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Accelerating Net-Zero High-Rise Residential Buildings: A report to examine the technical and economic feasibility of moving towards net-zero high-rise residential buildings in Australia and identifies pathways to accelerate their commercialization, designed to inspire Federal and State Government policy makers and the development industry to move rapidly toward buildings that go well beyond current requirements. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Blueprint for Development Approval of Hydrogen Re-fueling Stations: A blueprint describing (1) the key activities involved in the process of developing hydrogen refueling stations, (2) the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved, and (3) a detailed stage-gate process describing all the key activities to be undertaken at each stage of the licensing and permitting process, including detailed activity checklists, technical appendices, and global case studies. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016)
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Carbon Neutral Buildings - Accelerating Market Transformation to High Performing Building Envelopes in North American Cities:  A project to apply energy reductions strategies from Europe to North America to accelerate the market transformation towards carbon neutral buildings, including a barriers and best practice report, zero emissions building targets report and presentation, and North American Passive House Network meeting materials. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Integrated Whole Energy System Decarbonization Strategy:  A strategy for transitioning to district-scale low-carbon energy systems in three communities in Boulder, Seattle and Minneapolis, including a Energy System Transformation Playbook and Executive Summary and transformation strategies for each community. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Multi-User Microgrids & District Energy Analysis: A peer-learning process to explore emerging best practices related to developing multi-user microgrids and district energy projects in U.S. cities, including a workshop, a scoping white paper, and additional analyses focusing on ownership models, value streams, and legal barriers for potential multi-owner microgrids. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2016)
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Natural Gas, Fuel Oil & Related Thermal Energy De-Carbonization Strategies:  A project to develop strategies for decarbonizing thermal energy systems in different building types in two cities: residential and commercial/light industrial buildings in Boulder and municipal buildings in San Francisco. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2016).
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RentRocket - Building Energy Tool: A prototype rental housing website that aims to (1) help renters consider sustainability factors (such as utility costs) alongside other factors (such as rent) when making housing decisions and (2) help landlords recognize the value of sustainability investments as a marketable asset. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Southeast Equity and Energy Efficiency Toolkit: A toolkit to help build capacity for the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network (SSDN) members to integrate meaningful equity considering into their implementation of municipal sustainability policies and practices. (USDN Innovation Fund,2016)
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Building Energy Benchmarking 2.0: Common strategies to work with building owners in the marketplace to see energy benchmarking policies turn into energy efficiency upgrades. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2014). 
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Municipal Coalition for LED Street Lights: Southeast Michigan's municipal coalition approach to wide-scale installation of LED street lights. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2014). 
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Office Building Energy Benchmarking: Office Building Benchmarking Guide to help cities design and implement effective energy benchmarking and performance recognition programs for hard-to-reach sectors, like smaller Class B or C office buildings. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2014).
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Adoption Accelerator - Standards Emerging and Scaling: Implementation examples to show how it is being done.

Solar Powered Communities Project in Sydney, Australia: A project to support the installation of solar energy systems in low- and moderate- income (LMI) communities in the City of Sydney and promote the larger policy goals around standardizing and sharing solar project best practices. (American Express Fund, 2025). 
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Solar Powered Communities Project in Salt Lake City, UT: A project to increase adoption of solar PV by businesses in low and moderate income (LMI) neighborhoods of Salt Lake City, Utah through education, streamlining of solar system financing and installation, and leveraging additional funding. (American Express Fund, 2025). 
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Phoenix Solar Energy Assistance Program in Phoenix, AZ: A project to launch the Phoenix Solar Energy Assistance Program (PSEAP) to fully fund residential rooftop solar installations for ten Phoenix families who were income-qualified in an effort to promote increased equitable adoption of solar and save families money each month from their electric bills. (American Express Fund, 2025). 
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Holistic Housing for Equity and Efficiency in Milwaukee, WI: A project to utilize a holistic housing approach through improved coordination and updates to existing citywide programming to address barriers to energy efficiency work, such as outdated electrical wiring and roofing repairs. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023).
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Chugach Beneficial Electrification and Energy Star Incentive Program in Anchorage, AL: A project to implement beneficial electrification and Energy Star incentive program for low- to moderate-income residential members by providing incentives for the purchase of beneficial electrification equipment and Energy Star appliances. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Housing Anti-displacement and Energy Equity Pilot in Sacramento, CA: A project to deliver energy efficiency improvements, electrification retrofits, and home repairs to low-income households in conjunction with the City of Sacramento’s anti-displacement and home rehabilitation program. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Electric Heat Pumps for Rehabilitated Homes in Reno, NV: A project to create a Pilot Program to retrofit homes with heat pumps, replacing oil, propane or natural gas, and targeting underserved residents in our community. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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Weatherization to Address Energy Burden in Memphis, TN: A project to establish and complete proof of concept of a rooftop solar installation model that will directly reduce utility bills for residents of unsubsidized affordable housing.(USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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The Orchard Knob Collaborative: A project transform the historically underserved Orchard Knob Neighborhood through structural, hardscape, and softscape improvements, reducing inland flooding and the urban heat island effect. (Partners for Places, 2022). 
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Lenox Center Resilience Hub Solar Plus Storage Predevelopment in Detroit, MI: A project incorporating solar and storage into renovations of the Lenox Center, creating Detroit's first resilience hub, and serving as a model for future city retrofits. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2022). 
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Aging in Place Efficiently in Ann Arbor, MI: A project to improve the quality of life and health outcomes for low-income seniors while simultaneously reducing energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. (Partners for Places, 2022).
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EcoCity Edmonton: A project to ensure communities and organizations with low income, immigrant and Indigenous citizens will be consulted and included in programming goals and action in energy transition programs in Edmonton, AB. (Partners for Places, 2021)
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Living Cully Community Engagement Plan: A project to implement a community energy plan in the Cully neighborhood through community-led investments that address both environmental needs as well as economic and social disparities,ensuring efforts directly benefit low-income residents. (Partners for Places, 2021)
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PlanItGreen: Solar for All Project in Oak Park, IL: A project to drive action, education and outreach on solar development and procurement in Oak Park, River Forest, and surrounding low and moderate-income (LMI) communities. (Partners for Places, 2019)
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Chicago Green Living Program in Chicago, IL: A project to create a residential package of all of the beneficial energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste & recycling, transportation, and other “green” programs that the City offers and to connect low and moderate income residents to this package of offerings (Partners for Places, 2018).
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How to Scale Corporate Renewable Electricity PPAs in Australia: This project enabled knowledge sharing and replication efforts stemming from the Melbourne Renewable Energy Project (MREP). The project was designed to be shared to encourage further PPAs. Activities include: undertaking market research and stakeholder mapping, developing a replication strategy, developing a procurement manual and replication guide, raising awareness about the opportunity for corporate power purchase agreements, and hosting a customer engagement and knowledge sharing program. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018)
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Bringing Renewable Thermal Solutions to Scale in New England: This project developed and implemented pilot programs designed to expand the early adoption of renewable thermal in the existing residential building stock in New England. It created market analysis and campaign design methodologies, and summarized campaign findings so other cities can use lessons learned as they follow suit. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2018)
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Increasing Energy Efficiency in Low-income Neighborhoods in Chattanooga:  A project to expand a successful program that helps low-income neighborhoods – which use 43 percent more energy per square foot during the winter than the city’s average home – increase their energy efficiency. Residents will be encouraged to create their own locally-based solutions (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Committing to Inclusive Sustainability Action Hartford: A project to create a sustainability director position for the city and a climate action plan that comprehensively addresses energy, land use, transportation, waste and water usage. The plan will look at the root cause of climate change, including ways to improve air quality and reduce flooding, to improve the health and well-being of all residents (Partners for Places, 2016). 
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Carbon Reduction Efforts Benefit Low-Income Neighborhoods in Portland, OR: A project to help this city ensure that its successful efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions directly benefit low-income neighborhoods by supporting a resident-led Community Energy Plan in the Cully neighborhood. Portland has seen impressive results from its carbon-reduction efforts – in 2014 per person emissions were 40 percent below 1990 levels – and seeks to support historically underserved communities in implementing low-carbon investments and solutions (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Energy Efficiency in New Construction in Ithaca NY: A project to make Ithaca more energy efficient by evaluating the policy tools the city can use to incentivize or mandate green building standards for new construction. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Equitable Access to Solar in Berkeley CA: A project to bridge the solar divide and ensure that all residents have access to renewable energy sources by providing solar installations for low-income communities, including multifamily affordable housing developments, and offering free hands-on solar job training. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Austin 2030 District: A project to launch the Austin 2030 District, a voluntary initiative to reduce energy and water consumption and carbon emissions from Austin buildings. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Education and Engagement on Energy Efficiency in Knoxville TN: A community engagement campaign to empower disadvantaged residents in Knoxville to reduce utility bills through energy efficient behavior and cost-effective upgrades. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Lower-Income Home Energy Retrofits in Blacksburg VA: An energy retrofit program in homes of lower-income older adults in Blacksburg and the New River Valley in order to extend their independence and expand adoption of energy efficiency practices. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Stamford 2030 District: A resilient, high-performance building district in downtown Stamford with goals to dramatically reduce demand for energy and water resources and increase resiliency by 2030. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Vulnerable Populations Outreach Program in Bloomington IN: A project towards establishing and enhancing programs which assist vulnerable populations and create an outreach coordinator position to help meet Bloomington's new residential energy reduction goal. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Community Energy Plan in Holland MI: An overview of a one community's energy plan for efficiency retrofits, energy audits, and building performance labeling. (Partners for Places, 2014). 
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CoMo Energy Challenge in Columbia MO: An overview of Columbia's CoMo Energy Challenge program.  (Partners for Places, 2014). 
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Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund - Asheville, NC Case Study: A detailed case study from Asheville, NC on how to finance sustainability programs through LED streetlight energy efficiency savings. (USDN Special Project, 2013).
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Energy and Climate Action Implementation in Binghamton, NY: An energy efficiency retrofit project that also developed a Task Force to coordinate community engagement in the implementation of Binghamton’s Energy and Climate Action Plan. (Partners for Places, 2012). 
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