Boise Sets Goal to Transition to 100% Clean Energy by 2035: Boise's City Council approved a goal to power 100% of city operations and the community with clean energy by 2035.
Denver Launches LED Streetlights Conversion Project: Denver will be converting 44,000 streetlights to LEDs, which will reduce the city's energy costs and improve street visibility.
Columbia Releases Draft Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for Community Feedback: Columbia is seeking feedback from the community on its draft Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, which includes strategies to reduce GHG emissions and better prepare the community for climate change impacts.
Missoula County Approves Climate Action Related Legislation: Missoula County Commissioners approved a resolution that sets a carbon neutrality goal for county operations by 2035 and establishes a committee to identify actions. In addition, they approved new zoning regulations requiring new cryptocurrency mining operations to offset their energy use by funding or building new renewable energy projects.
Missoula and Missoula County Adopt Joint Resolution for 100% Clean Electricity by 2030: The County and City of Missoula jointly adopted a goal of transitioning to 100% clean electricity in urban areas by 2030.
New York City Approves Climate Change Legislation: New York City's Council passed the Climate Mobilization Act, a seven-bill legislative package, which includes requiring buildings over 25,000 square feet to reduce emissions 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050, creating a PACE financing program, and moving the city towards replacing its 24 gas-fired power plants with renewable energy.
New York City to Impose Congestion Pricing: New York City will become the first city in the United States to implement a congestion pricing plan, through the state budgeting process, where drivers will pay a fee to drive in parts of Manhattan starting in 2021.
Palo Alto Reports on Sustainability and Climate Action Progress in 2018: Palo Alto published their annual progress report and found a GHG emissions reduction of 56.5% from a 1990 baseline, despite a 20.4% increase in population.
Seattle Releases Latest Environmental and Climate Action Progress Report: Seattle released its progress report on key environmental and climate action accomplishments in seven priority areas and tracked progress on the city's goal of eliminating racial disparities in environmental outcomes