May 2016 Urban Sustainability Innovation Report
Advancing Climate Preparedness as a Practice Field
News & Trends: Collaborating for Equitable Climate Preparedness – A team of USDN members recently collaborated with the Georgetown Climate Center to bring together city officials, environmental justice leaders, and state and federal partners to discuss ways of fostering local collaboration for more equitable climate adaptation. MORE »
News & Trends: Climate Work Growing in the USDN Innovation Fund Portfolio – Climate change preparedness represents the USDN Innovation Fund’s largest investment category to date, with 16 grants totaling $615,665 in this category. MORE »
Markets & Research: Partners for Places Sees Climate Change Adaptation Priorities Evolving – Climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time. It is no surprise that 64% of Partners for Places (P4P) grants this past year addressed climate change mitigation or adaptation. MORE »
Tools & Resources: Secrets to Successful Collaboration on Climate & Equity – USDN is pleased to share a synthesis of insights on how local governments can better collaborate within community organizations to enhance climate preparedness and equity. These insights were shared by local government and community partner participants from 17 cities at a recent workshop hosted by USDN with support from the Kresge Foundation. MORE »