July 2020
Anti-Racism Resources
Press Releases
Resource Lists
Articles, Podcasts, and Webinars
Institutional Change
GHG Reduction
Ann Arbor MI City Council Adopts Carbon Neutrality Plan: Ann Arbor MI's City Council approved a 10-year community-wide carbon neutrality plan with goals of powering the electrical grid with 100% renewable energy, reducing driving by 50%, and expanding their recycling and composting programs.
Dallas TX Approves First Climate Action Plan: The Dallas TX City Council unanimously approved their Comprehensive Environmental and Climate Action Plan, including 97 action items to reach goals that include making all new construction net zero energy within 10 years.
Climate Resilience
Social Equity and Community Engagement
Austin TX Prioritizes Equity in Climate Plan Update: Austin TX is currently revising its Climate Action Plan, which includes a more inclusive stakeholder engagement process, to prioritize low-income communities and communities of color by evaluating five new climate and sustainability goals against equitable outcomes of health, affordability, accessibility, prioritized transition, community capacity, cultural preservation, and institutional accountability.
King County WA CAP Update Focuses on Equity: King County WA is working on updating their climate action plan that will lead with equity through expanding community engagement and partnerships and strengthening community resiliency with leaders of frontline communities.
Urban Sustainability

Madison WI Installs Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Station: The Madison WI City Council approved an order to purchase the city's third solar-powered EV charging station to power municipal electric fleet vehicles.
Lawrence KS Switches to Nearly 100% Renewable Energy: Lawrence KS commissioners authorized a Direct Renewable Participation Service Agreement to purchase eight megawatts of renewable energy to source about 98% of its energy from wind over the next 20 years.
Santa Fe NM Earns LEED Certification: Santa Fe NM became a LEED Gold Certified City based on its implementation of practical and measurable strategies aimed at improving energy, water, waste, transportation, education, health, safety, prosperity, and equity.
San Diego CA Creates Urban Farming Website: In response to increased interest due to COVID-19, San Diego CA has launched a website for residents to learn more about various urban farming practices, access to additional local and national data, and information about city-related assistance programs.