Hawaii Water Workforce Fellowship Program


The Hawaii Water Workforce Fellowship Program, founded in partnership with the Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF) and USDN is a program of HCF's Hawaiian Islands Environmental Finance Center (HIEFC). It is an annual initiative that supports the development of a sustainable water workforce in Hawai'i. With a cohort of fellows each year, the program offers full-time opportunity for participants to gain invaluable experience by working within local government agencies and various water-related organizations. Relevant interest and/or education experience includes, but is not limited to: engineering, environmental studies, finance, geographic information systems, law, public administration, and urban/regional planning.


Support workforce development needs of Hawaii’s water sector and implement equitable, resilient utility operations and capital water infrastructure improvements by utilizing federal funds such as State Revolving Funds (SRF). USDN and the Hawaii Community Foundation are partnering to move this effort forward. 


  • Gain experience working in local government water agencies
  • Get full-time employment as a step in completing certifications that may be required 
  • Access to peer-to-peer mentorship with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network
  • These positions are open to a wide age-range and experience-range of applicants from college students to those well into their careers who are looking to make a pivot
    • Native Hawaiians may be eligible for relocation assistance


Below is a list of positions that we expect will open up within the next few months. If the position(s) you are interested in are not currently hyperlinked and open for applications, please fill out the interest form linked below and we’ll reach out to you as soon as the application portal opens:


Oahu Island

Facility Maintenance, City & County of Honolulu

  1. Civil Engineer V

Environmental Services, City & County of Honolulu

  1. Civil Engineer [2 positions]
  2. Electrical Engineer [2 positions]

Environmental Health Department, State of Hawaii

  1. Environmental Health Specialist, Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch

Maui Island

State of Hawaii, Department of Health - Environmental Management Division

  1. Environmental Health Specialist, Safe Drinking Water Branch

Kauai Island

State of Hawaii, Department of Health - Environmental Management Division

  1. Environmental Health Specialist, Safe Drinking Water Branch

Hawaii Island

State of Hawaii, Department of Health - Environmental Management Division

  1. Environmental Health Specialist, Safe Drinking Water Branch [Kona]